About me
I’m leaving my old CV here but I’ll be keeping it up to date in the following format:
Experience: 05/2022-Present - QA Engineer, Alviere, Portugal.
Responsible for QAssurance of a financial portal, using Cypress and SeleniumWebdriver. Ops in Python. Developed a testing framework for mobile apps using Appium and Kotlin.
01/2021-05/2022 - QA Engineer, MB.io, Portugal.
Responsible for …
About the site
This is a website made in Hugo from the template provided by Gitlab. Made for personal development and from a wish to own a small virtual piece of land - as referenced by Luke Smith, author of Land Chad - guide used for it.
To serve as a business card but also to do whatever I feel like.
Disclosure: Opinions and posts are my own and not the views of my employer, etc