Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “About”
About me
I’m leaving my old CV here but I’ll be keeping it up to date in the following format:
Experience: 05/2022-Present - QA Engineer, Alviere, Portugal.
Responsible for QAssurance of a financial portal, using Cypress and SeleniumWebdriver. Ops in Python. Developed a testing framework for mobile apps using Appium and Kotlin.
01/2021-05/2022 - QA Engineer,, Portugal.
Responsible for …
About the site
This is a website made in Hugo from the template provided by Gitlab. Made for personal development and from a wish to own a small virtual piece of land - as referenced by Luke Smith, author of Land Chad - guide used for it.
To serve as a business card but also to do whatever I feel like.
Disclosure: Opinions and posts are my own and not the views of my employer, etc