Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Tech”
August 14, 2022
I’ve been using it both personally and professionally, but due to the sheer magnitude of the docs, I’ve decided to make my own cheat sheet.
Never forget that for each and any option you can add ol’ help to provide all options.
Install On ubuntu sudo apt install qemu
On arch sudo pacman -Sy qemu-full
Everywhere brew install qemu
Desktop Create an image sudo qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/yournamehereforvirtaccess.qcow2 20G
August 7, 2022
A script for testing your terminal
I do not have credit over this! This was useful in reporting an actual issue and i’ve meanwhile lost the source.
#!/bin/sh echo "# 24-bit (true-color)" # based on: term_cols="$(tput cols || echo 80)" cols=$(echo "2^((l($term_cols)/l(2))-1)" | bc -l 2> /dev/null) rows=$(( cols / 2 )) awk -v cols="$cols" -v rows="$rows" 'BEGIN{ s=" "; m=cols+rows; for (row = 0; row<rows; row++) { for (col = 0; col<cols; col++) { i = row+col; r = 255-(i*255/m); g = (i*510/m); b = (i*255/m); if (g>255) g = 510-g; printf "\033[48;2;%d;%d;%dm", r,g,b; printf "\033[38;2;%d;%d;%dm", 255-r,255-g,255-b; printf "%s\033[0m", substr(s,(col+row)%2+1,1); } printf "\n"; } printf "\n\n"; }' echo "# text decorations" printf '\e[1mbold\e[22m\n' printf '\e[2mdim\e[22m\n' printf '\e[3mitalic\e[23m\n' printf '\e[4munderline\e[24m\n' printf '\e[4:1mthis is also underline\e[24m\n' printf '\e[21mdouble underline\e[24m\n' printf '\e[4:2mthis is also double underline\e[24m\n' printf '\e[4:3mcurly underline\e[24m\n' printf '\e[58;5;10;4mcolored underline\e[59;24m\n' printf '\e[5mblink\e[25m\n' printf '\e[7mreverse\e[27m\n' printf '\e[8minvisible\e[28m <- invisible (but copy-pasteable)\n' printf '\e[9mstrikethrough\e[29m\n' printf '\e[53moverline\e[55m\n' echo echo "# magic string (see https://en.